Dear readers,
in Volume XXIII of the Journal Adult Education you can read the following content:
Amir Pušina
Practical Intelligence – an Atypical Empirical Test
Kerima Delibašić, Đenita Tuce
Successful Ageing: Theoretical Concepts, Determinants, and Interventions
Lejla Mustoo Başer
Subjektivna dobrobit štićenica domova za njegu starijih i starijih udovica koje žive sa porodicom: Perspektive iz Bosne i Hercegovine
Indira Husić, Amela Dautbegović
Prevalence of Anxiety, Depression and Stress among Students and Differences in Symptom Levels with Respect to Gender and Age
Emina Škorić
Comparative Analysis of Adult Education System in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Southeast European Countries
Mujo Slatina |
Social Inclusion in Context of VET Schools
Prof Mujo Slatina, PhD (1945-2023)
Emir Avdagić, PhD (1974-2023)
The Call for submitting manuscripts for the Journal of Adult Education is available from the link:
The Journal of Adult Education publishes original scientific and professional papers in the field of adult education and learning. The Journal of Adult Education also publishes announcements, displays and reviews, documents and information about the practice and policy of adult education in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region, displays and reviews, current articles from foreign journals, as well as information about significant events from the country, the region, Europe and the world that relate to adult education and learning.
Peer Review Process
All submitted articles are first reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief and then undergo a double-blind peer review process by the least two reviewers – one local and the other international. The reviewer cannot be from the same institution as the author of the manuscript. Translation, book reviews, and reports about scientific and professional events are subject to only editor’s review.
Reviewers assess methodology and content of the manuscript, as well as whether it is suitable for publication in the Journal. Anonymized reviewers’ comments are sent to the author, who, if required, sends back the revisions.
Indexing and Abstracting:
DOI: 10.53617/issn.2744-2047
ISSN: 1512-8784 (Print)
ISSN: 2744-2047 (Online)
The journal supports the policy of open access and open science.
This license allows others to download your paper and share it with others as long as they credit you as the author, but they may not modify it or use it for commercial purposes. .
Emir Avdagić, PhD
With huge sadness that we say goodbye to our colleague and friend.
With his expertise and dedication, Emir Avdagić, PhD contributed to the establishment of systemic solutions in the field of adult education in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
With a rare joy of life and feeling for people, he built bridges between andragogic communities in the Region and beyond. He was one of the initiators of the Adult Education journal in 2001, the editor-in-chief in the period from 2011 to 2012, and a permanent member of the Editorial Board until today.
We will keep our respected friend and colleague in the best memories, grateful for his contribution to andragogy and the Adult Education journal, conversations and moments of sharing the joy of life.
Editorial Board of the Journal of Adult Education
We will recall the articles that Emir Avdagić, PhD published independently or in co-authorship in the journal Adult Education: [1]
- AVDAGIĆ, Emir. IIZ/DVV – Projekt u Bosni i Hercegovini = IZZ/DVV Project in Bosnia and Herzegovina / Obrazovanje odraslih: Časopis za obrazovanje odraslih i kulturu. 1–3 (2001), str. 23–27.
- AVDAGIĆ, Emir. Pakt za stabilnost i permanentno obrazovanje = The Stability Pact and Permanent Education / Obrazovanje odraslih: Časopis za obrazovanje odraslih i kulturu. 2 (2002), str. 115–118.
- AVDAGIĆ, Emir. Njemački kao strani jezik u obrazovanju odraslih = German as Foreign Language in Adults Education / Obrazovanje odraslih: Časopis za obrazovanje odraslih i kulturu. 2 (2003), str. 81–108. 194.
- AVDAGIĆ, Emir. Prvi festival cjeloživotnog učenja u Jugoistočnoj Europi = The First Lifelong Learning Festival in South-Eastern Europe / Obrazovanje odraslih: Časopis za obrazovanje odraslih i kulturu. 3(2003), str. 117–120.
- AVDAGIĆ, Emir. Informacija o izradi dokumenta „Strateški pravci razvoja obrazovanja odraslih u BiH” = Information about Making Document „Developing Strategies of Adult Education in B&H”/ Obrazovanje odraslih: Časopis za obrazovanje odraslih i kulturu. 2 (2005), str. 107–109.
- AVDAGIĆ, Emir. Obrazovanje odraslih kao podrška pripremi za životnu krizu izazvanu odlaskom u mirovinu = Education of Adults as a Support Considering Preparations for Life Crisis Caused by Retirement / Obrazovanje odraslih: Časopis za obrazovanje odraslih i kulturu. 1 (2008), str. 81–102.
- AVDAGIĆ, Emir. CONFINTEA VI = CONFINTEA VI / Obrazovanje odraslih: Časopis za obrazovanje odraslih i kulturu. 1 (2009), str. 121–126. 338.
- AVDAGIĆ, Emir. Internacionalna konferencija „Obrazovanje odraslih u Bosni i Hercegovini i Jugoistočnoj Evropi – doprinos miru i razvoju” = International Conference „Adult Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Southeastern Europe – Contribution to Peace and Development” / Obrazovanje odraslih: Časopis za obrazovanje odraslih i kulturu. 2 (2010), str. 15–25. 339.
- AVDAGIĆ, Emir. XIII kongres Visokih narodnih škola SR Njemačke = 13th German Adult Education Conference / Obrazovanje odraslih: Časopis za obrazovanje odraslih i kulturu. 1 (2011), str. 13–20.
- ALIBABIĆ, Šefika; AVDAGIĆ Emir. Razvojni elementi u strategijama obrazovanja odraslih = Development Elements in the Strategies of Adult Education / Obrazovanje odraslih: Časopis za obrazovanje odraslih i kulturu. 1 (2013), str. 33–52. Napomena: Tekst je preuzet iz časopisa „Pedagogija”. 1 (2012), Beograd.
- AVDAGIĆ, Emir. Metodološki pristupi u istraživanju menadžmenta obrazovanja odraslih = Methodological Approaches of Research on Management in Adult Education / Obrazovanje odraslih: Časopis za obrazovanje odraslih i kulturu. 1 (2012), str. 25–46. 35.
- AVDAGIĆ, Emir; ELLWANGER, Winfried. Menagement Models in Organisations for Adult Education / Obrazovanje odraslih: Časopis za obrazovanje odraslih i kulturu. 1, 2 (2017), str. 11 – 34. Napomena: Tekst je preuzet iz zbornika „International Perspectives in Adult Education (IPE) 78: Adult education centres as a key to development – challenges and success factors”, str. 179–201.
- ČERKEZ, Anes; AVDAGIĆ, Emir. Funkcija marketing menadžmenta u organizacijama za obrazovanje odraslih = Function of Marketing Management in Organisations for Adult Education / Obrazovanje odraslih: Časopis za obrazovanje odraslih i kulturu. 1 (2018), str. 49–72.
[1] Taken from Bajrić, Arijana and Hajdarpašić, Lejla, Bibliography of the journal ”Adult Education”: The journal for adult education and culture (2001-2018). Journal ”Adult Education”, 2, XVIII/2018, 135-196.
The “Adult Education” Journal has been included in the ERIH PLUS database
We are pleased to announce that the “Adult Education” Journal has been included in the ERIH PLUS database (The European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences). This is the result of the standardization and matching of bibliographic elements of the journal with high-quality criteria.
“Adult Education” has been published since 2001 as the only andragogic magazine in Bosnia and Herzegovina and one of several in the region of Southeastern Europe. The magazine publishes original scientific, overview and expert articles, as well as book reviews and conference reports.
We take the opportunity to invite researchers to cooperate by submitting papers for publication in the journal “Adult Education“. The invitation for the autumn edition is available via the link:
Editorial Board of the “Adult Education” Journal
On Tuesday, June 11, the preparatory classes for taking the external graduation exam for elementary school students in the 2023/2024 school year were completed. The classes were conducted as part of the Center for Lifelong Learning, organized by the Public Institution “Bosnian Cultural Center of Sarajevo Canton.”
We wish our dear future high school students much success in their future education.
On the occasion of World Environment Day 2024, at the Gallery of the Public Institution “Bosnian Cultural Center of Sarajevo Canton”, which is also a partner in the EU Youth Cinema: Green Deal project, on Thursday, June 6, 2024, at 12:00 PM, we hosted, among others, students and teachers from Isak Samokovlija Primary School ( at the screening of the brilliant documentary film “Home.” We would like to take this opportunity to thank them for their presence, which enhanced this significant date and event. The film’s author is Yann Arthus-Bertrand (France, 2009).
The documentary film "Home"
On the occasion of the celebration of World Environment Day 2024, an extraordinary documentary film “Home” will be screened at the Gallery of the Public Institution “Bosnian Cultural Center of Sarajevo Canton”, which is also a partner in the EU Youth Cinema: Green Deal project. The screening will take place on Thursday, June 6th, 2024, at 12:00 PM. The author of the film is Yann Arthus-Bertrand (France, 2009).
You can find the trailer for the film here:
Although the trailer is in English, the film will be shown with Bosnian subtitles.
It is recommended for children aged 12 and older.
Admission is free.
More details: This is a successful green project, EU Youth Cinema: Green Deal, established in March 2022, which has been supported again by Creative Europe MEDIA and is entering its second phase. It is offered in 12 countries – besides Bosnia and Herzegovina, also in Albania, Austria, Croatia, Greece, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Ukraine, and South Tyrol in Italy – in the form of cinema screenings and streaming for students and teachers until February 2026.
The goal of EU Youth Cinema: Green Deal is to create a vibrant virtual space for green exchange in line with the European Green Deal and to bring together young people. It is about strengthening the green transition, presenting all aspects related to the EU Green Agenda in a cinematic context through European films, and providing reliable tools for education, empowerment, sharing knowledge, experiences, and environmentally sustainable practices through films and discussions, and inspiring teachers and students. However, parts of the program have also been made available to the general public worldwide via
The 2024 campaign focuses on land restoration, desertification, and drought resilience under the slogan “Our Land. Our Future. We are #GenerationRestoration.”
On this occasion, the extraordinary documentary film “HOME” by Yann Arthus-Bertrand (France, 2009) will be shown 15 years after its world premiere. “HOME” is a celebration of the beauty of Earth and a passionate call to protect it from destruction. Striking and defiantly optimistic, the film travels through 54 countries, considering the state of the environment and the factors that will play a role in determining its future.
With this event, Sarajevo becomes part of the EU Youth Cinema: Green Deal action for the planet, supported by the GoodPlanet Foundation.
At BKC, preparatory classes for elementary school students for taking the external graduation exam will be held from May 29th to June 11th, 2024.
Invitation to all dear graduates to enroll in preparatory classes for the external graduation exam for the 2023/2024 school year!
Prices per subject: BHS Language and Literature – 55KM, Mathematics – 55KM, English Language – 55KM.
If you attend preparatory classes for all three subjects, the price is 150KM. Duration: May 29th – June 11th, 2024.
Registration deadline: May 28th, 2024.
Register via email at, by phone at 033 407 654, or directly at the BKC premises.
Preparatory classes for taking the matriculation exam for elementary school pupils from May 26 to June 12, 2023, in the BCC
Invitation to dear high school graduates to enrol in preparatory classes for taking the mantriculation exam in the 2022/2023 school year.
Prices per subject:
BCS Language and Literature – 45 KM
Mathematics – 45 KM
English language – 45 KM
In the case of attending preparatory classes for all three subjects, the price is 115 KM.
Duration: 05/26 – 06/12 2023
Apply until: 05/23/2023
Apply via w-mails:;, via phone number: 033 407 654 or directly at the BCC premises.
Completed preparatory classes for taking the matriculation exam in the BCC
After two weeks of work of our students and lecturers, the preparatory classes for taking the 2022/23 matriculation exam for enrollment in high school were completed on June 12, 2023. The classes were held as a part of the Centre for Lifelong Learning, organised by the PI Bosnian Cultural Centre SC.
We wish our dear future high school students a lot of success in taking the matriculation exam and their future education!
Visit of students from the Department of Pedagogy of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Sarajevo
In order to get acquainted with the basic processes within the adult education system, the organization and programs that are classified into different areas of adult education, as in previous years, on November 23, 2022, accompanied by assistant professor Dr Amina Isanovic Hadziomerovic a visit of students from the Department of Pedagogy of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Sarajevo was organized and took place in the premises of the Centre for Lifelong Learning of the Bosnian Cultural Centre. The track record, development and work of PI Bosnian Cultural Centre SC were presented by Adnana Emirhafizovic, expert associate for education and science.
The students toured the interior of the institution and visited the photo exhibition entitled “Bruce Dickinson, Live, BCC Sarajevo, December 14, 1994” by Milomir Kovacevic – Strasni.
On the same day, the work of DVV International – Office for Bosnia and Herzegovina was presented to the students in the Centre for Lifelong Learning.
On Monday, May 31, 2021, as in previous years, in order for students to learn as much as possible about practical adult education, the representative of PI BCC SC, Edina Arnautovic, acting director and Adnana Emirhafizovic, expert associate for education and science, at the invitation of Prof Mirjana Mavrak were guests on the course Andragogy and Adult Education. They held a short lecture and presentation via the Zoom platform for 72 second and third-year students of the Department of Pedagogy of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Sarajevo.
Dear Colleagues,
we would like to inform you that the deadline for submitting contributions for Volume XXIV is September 30, 2024. The Call for papers is available from the link:
Best regards,
Editorial Board fo the Journal of Adult Education
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PI Bosnian Cultural Centre of the Sarajevo Canton founded the Centre for Lifelong Learning with the financial and advisory support of the partner DVV-International Office for B&H. The Centre for Lifelong Learning was created as a result of the need to introduce adult education into the legal framework, which implies the registration of the Centre for Lifelong Learning in the Register of Organizers of Adult Education in the Sarajevo Canton, which would be in accordance with the Law on Adult Education of the Sarajevo Canton.
Lifelong learning is the best answer to replacing the concept of a lifelong workplace with the concept of lifelong knowledge, skills and competences. The change in concept is conditioned by the daily increase of new knowledge and the ever-faster obsolescence of the existing one, but also by the need to adapt existing non-specific knowledge, skills and competences to the requirements of changed workplaces. Lifelong learning becomes much more than an economic issue, because a higher level of education and continuous learning, which is accessible to everyone, is an essential prerequisite for reducing inequality and preventing the marginalization of an individual or a group.
- To enable citizens to be more competitive in the labour market by organizing various longer and shorter educational programs
- Strengthening the social inclusion of citizens
- Developing the individual potential of each student
- Reducing the marginalization of vulnerable groups in society (unemployed people, third-age people, people with developmental difficulties and disabled people, women, young people, etc.), and improving their economic situation.